Any layer that is placed only to the outer surface of the teeth permanently is called dental laminate in cosmetic dentistry. Dental laminate is used for people who have irregular, discolored, and broken teeth. The porcelain veneers are also used for filling the gap between the teeth and enhancing the smile. Dental laminate is a thin layer that can cover the surface of the teeth and improve their appearance. It is not recommended for people with gum and jaw problems. Orthodontic treatment is advised for them to enhance their facial beauty. On the other hand, people with infectious gums or severe tooth decay cannot use dental veneers.
Different Types of Dental Laminate Veneer
There are two types of dental veneers: ceramic and composite veneer. The main difference between ceramic and composite is their material and the quality of them. The ceramic veneer is more color resistance than composite, and since it has more strength, it is more durable than composite. The beautiful appearance of the ceramic veneer can also be a definite advantage for this type of laminate. Although the color resistance and strength of the composite veneer are less than ceramics, it needs less tooth shaving and is cheaper than a ceramic veneer.
Smile Design Correction
A ceramic and composite veneer can be used to correct the smile design and to enhance the smile. In the past, teeth were shaved by half to one millimeter to correct the smile design using laminate veneer. But for composite veneer, there is no need for tooth shaving in smile design correction, although tooth shaving, even slightly, is required to achieve the ideal condition. Both types of veneers do not affect preventing tooth decay, and laminated teeth are prone to decay, just like the natural teeth. You should know that veneers, either composite or ceramic, cannot cause tooth decay.
Benefits of Dental Laminate
The patient can apply laminate veneers in the emergency dental clinic. There are some advantages of laminate veneers, including:
– Fixed color of dental laminate veneer (no staining)
– Having a transparent and radiant surface
– To be consistent with other teeth
– Sometimes the cosmetic dentist uses them to treat the severe tooth decay.
– For smokers who refuse to quit smoking, ceramic laminates are a better treatment than composite veneers because of the lack of staining.
Post-Dental laminate Care
– After laminating, you should be aware of cold and hot liquids while drinking, because the dental laminates are sensitive to sudden temperature changes.
– Avoid overconsuming coffee and tea.
– Avoid chewing or biting hard foods such as apples, raw carrots, crust, nuts, seeds, and so on.
– Regular and daily oral hygiene is recommended, including brushing the teeth and using dental floss.
– Consult to the emergency dentist about using mouthwash because excessive use of some mouthwash can cause discoloration.
– Quit smoking and tobacco.
– A regular dental check-up every six months by the emergency dentist is an essential factor for maximize the lifespan of veneers. For knowing the details of our veneers Toronto services, follow us on Google.